Travelmate Robotics

I think we all know that we’re heading towards a future where robots take over the world.  

Or a less dire way of putting it would be that we’re headed towards a future where robotics will play a much larger role in our everyday lives.

But what if the future is closer than we think?   

Tesla is already giving us a glimpse into self-driving technology that’s accessible to the average consumer.

The market is ripe for AI-driven robotics that has everyday applications.  

Enter Travelmate Robotics, a company seeking to be a pioneer in this field using the entry point of carry-on luggage.














Yep, you heard me right.  Imagine if R2D2 gave a little of its robotic mojo to your carry-on… that’s what we’re talking about.   

The features that their product offers are numerous, just check out this video below and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Yep, you heard me right.  Imagine if R2D2 gave a little of its robotic mojo to your carry-on… that’s what we’re talking about.   

The features that their product offers are numerous, just check out this video below and you’ll see what I’m talking about.




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